Sunday, June 24, 2007

The Beginning

I decided to start this blog through the coaxing of many at I am passionate about the city of Youngstown, and in seeing it revitalized.

I am currently a student at YSU (from Poland, Ohio originally), and will be starting grad school in the fall 2007. I will be moving into an apartment soon, on the North side.

This is where my initial motivation came for starting this blog. Every time I told someone where I was moving to (an apartment on Bryson Street) the response was "That's a bad area, It's the ghetto, you don't want to live there!".

I, however do not agree. I am excited to live in the city, and to be able to experience all the great nightlife and entertainment available.

And so, that is what this blog will be. My account of getting an apartment, moving in, and experiencing Youngstown and all it has to offer.

Now, to the title of the blog. It is, of course, about my "tales" of the expereinces I've had on the North side, but it's also a vague reference to Gary Larson's Far Side comics.

And so, in tribute, here is one of my favorite Far Side comics:


SarahEP said...

Thank you SO much for starting this blog! My husband and I just moved to Youngstown Westside and we love the Northside. I will be reading your blog for sure!

Nate said...

Thanks a lot! My grandma lived on the West Side (as did my dad). They lived on Wesley. Where abouts are you on the West Side?

Lou said...

Congratulations and Good Luck!


Katie Libecco said...

I had the same situation when I moved on Elm Street. I said, "I'm from Warren. How much worse could it be?" I loved my apartment building with a passion, but after some bizarre circumstances, I was stuck with slumlords who "forgot" to pay our utility bills... frequently. :(

I ended up living with friends at a townhouse in Liberty. I miss the apartment a lot, but I definitely notice that it's safer here. I can walk my dog at night.

But you know what?

I miss the Northside.

Unknown said...

I recently left an apartment on Bryson Street because my car (as well as others) were regularly getting broken into (for over 5 months @ the time I left).

As much as I loved living on the North Side, I had to move. My fiance & I intend to return to the area when we can afford a house rather than rent.

I look forward to reading your tales from the North Side!